House Blessings
Each property and building holds its own unique consciousness. By communicating with this and the consciousness of other time and space, information is provided to create a clean foundation for the property owner or resident. With the residue of the past cleared away and a new energetic infrastructure in place, the desires and wishes of the resident is now supported and nurtured within their environment. Any non-serving energies inhibiting this fresh clean start will be removed and transmuted from the property.
This communication and awareness in not used to probe for information, to prove or disprove paranormal activity. The purpose is not to discover cause of the paranormal activity or “icky vibes”, but to reset the property. (RESET PIC). Home or Property Blessing is preformed with upmost respect for the land, property, and residents.[space ] Information for Booking
*Please provide address of home or property
*Are you the owner of the property? If not please explain.
*What circumstances prompted to request a property blessing?
*Please provide “symptoms” of the home, property, or office that prompted the blessing request.
Change of circumstances for example:
· Desire to conceive a child
· Birth of child
· Death of loved one
· Job change
· Series of undesirable circumstances
· Desire to move
· Just relocated to new dwelling
· Have a clear intention for a property
· Remodeling
· Paranormal activity
· Feeling unsafe or unwanted within your home
· Fighting, anger or other volatile emotional outbursts
About the Practitioners:
Jenny Davis a skilled esoteric healer with the ability to clear space quickly and efficiently partners with her daughter Sara Davis. Sara has the gift of sight. Her ability to perceive paranormal activity, calm agitated energies, open ports is a great addition to her mother’s gift.
If you wish to send a picture of your property please email it to or text to 317.902.4630.
Available in Murfreesboro, TN. Each blessing includes a digital energy drawing of the property and a verbal report to share findings and answer any questions.
This speciality service is available by request after consultation.