Embodiment of the true essence of self. How do we do that? For many, this is a challenge for multiple reasons. One reason may be that our lives are busy with coming and going, planning, work, schedule conflicts, and managing daily life. However, our inner landscape is reorganizing itself whether we are conscious of this or not.
Old patterns, fears, and traumas may be resurfacing because it is time to discharge that and make room for the new. We cannot fully bring in new aspects of light and ways of being if we are clogged up by the old.
If we remain distracted by daily life, we simply do not create the space to do the subconscious work of letting go of these patterns.
We may simply put off getting our tires rotated and the oil changed. We know this stresses our vehicles. They perform less than optimally when we neglect their care. The same applies to our human bodies as vehicles of our spirit.
Many have self care plans that include body work, exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness. Some of us – not so much.
Quantum attunement work is more than getting new spark plugs, tire rotation, and oil change. It is making sure you are using the best operation computer system available for your make and mode. It recalibrates your body and your spirit in an easy gentle way.
No one thinks it is odd or weird to update their phone’s IOS or reboot their PC or download software on wifi. Yes, there was a time period when this would have been considered magic, but not anymore. Remote energy healing sessions work the same way. Imagine that our physical bodies are holographic. As we adjust the light codes being transmitted by the projector lens, our outer reality will shift to match the new light messages being transmitted to our physical being. It is a simple as updating your software in your PC.
If we knew how to shift things consciously, we would have done it already! Not everyone changes their own oil or repairs hardware and software in our technology devices. Don’t think you have to do it yourself. Hire a skilled technician.
It is as easy as laying in your own bed or cozy on your sofa. Remote sessions make is easy to stay up to date on your spiritual recalibration. So you can more easily embody the essence of who you are, experiencing fulfillment, self acceptance, and peace.