Sound Healing is a big part of healing easily and gently. This month I would like to share with you my journey. May you also find the gentle sounds included in this month’s Free Sound & Frequency Healing a very beneficial boost to your journey in letting go. For those who desire to go deeper, don’t miss out on a free 90 minute workshop on sound healing next Saturday. It will also be recorded – so you can catch it later.
Here is my journey of incorporating Sound Healing into my life and practice. After finishing my degree at a traditional Christian Liberal Arts School in 2006, my heart was calling me toward healing. This certainly did not match my degree path or upbringing. A close group of powerful women walking the self discovery path with me asked what I really truly wanted for graduation and I exclaimed, “A crystal singing bowl!”. At this point in my life, I had not yet left my corporate job and chosen to embrace healing as my profession. But deep down inside, I had a strong knowing to connect with the healing frequencies associated with sound healing. My very first bowl was a simple crystal bowl in the key of F# for the high heart chakra which is our gateway to Compassion and Divine Feminine energies needed for healing, though I did not know this at the time.
Honing my skills in felt sense and perception, I would play games with my children who were quite young then, where we would put thoughts, colors, or feelings in the bowl and play Guess. This was my early training in my sensitivity skills so that my ability of perception could be amplified. Over the years, I added tuning forks and other sound healing tools for intentional Chakra and Biofield healing.
My first set of Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls came to me after a co-teaching a workshop with Barbara Evans in 2019. They were a combination of frequencies specifically designed for trauma healing. Each bowl is so unique and has its own personality! I had to get to know each one separately and together as a group. Just like getting to know a new group of work mates. When incorporating this healing trauma set into my regular healing sessions it allowed me to stitch or heal wounds within the Biofield and within the energy bodies effortlessly as it interweaves healing frequency throughout the energy field. It provided a high level of healing while eliminating discomfort during the healing process. This particular set comes out when I’m working with a client with deep emotional wounds and brushes away sorrow, sadness, memories of loneliness, and or neglect.
Two years later, I added another set of Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls. This is my Pathways to Wholeness set. The combination of these frequencies gets to the root of the issue by connecting by gently reminding us who we are — A Divine Child of God. Allowing that presence of that which we are to awaken and heal us from within. My latest friend is an F sharp in Moldavite — A powerful heart healing bowl, it only comes out to play when it means serious business. Although gentle, it demands a YES! Choosing to step fully into our full expression of who we are meant to BE.
The sound frequencies illuminate blockages within the personality level or within the mental egoistic aspect and allows it to start to slough away so that the client is able to get out of their own way and get on with their purpose and passion.
Although I have worked with singing Bowls for 17 years, I consider myself a novice. There is so much more for me to learn and incorporate into my healing practice. The way that I work with and integrate sound frequency can broadly be put into two categories, integration of higher frequencies and clearing of that which is in the way. I invite each of you to schedule a session with Amy or myself to experience the power of sound healing as a way to reach your personal goals. Please join Barbara and I at the free sound healing event this month (LINK:
to learn more and perhaps take home a set of these powerful healing tools for yourself. Open to the power of sound healing today!