With forgiveness all things are possible. But how do you get to a space where forgiveness can even happen?
Forgiveness is an action that requires compassion to hold it safe to be expressed.
How do you create the space for compassion?
This article is about how to create the space for forgiveness to manifest with the use of essential oil as the healing tool to accomplish this outcome. Things are easier when we use healing tools and don’t rely only on our own fruition. Make Healing Easy!
So how do you create compassion? What is it really? Compassion is loving acceptance of what is. Action is not required. It is the space that holds the action.
So what IS? If we are blind to what is, we cannot be in acceptance of it.
So how do we remove our mask of self-denial and clearly see what is?
Here is my recipe:
For Clarity:
1 drop Black Pepper – to unmask for emotional honesty
3 drops Rosemary for Clarity and to assist in the transition
For Compassion:
1 drop Rose oil for Divine Love
3 drops Abor Vita for Divine Grace
3 drops Myrrh for connection with Earth Mother and to be safe in the world
For Safety & Forgiveness
1 drop Juniper Berry for protection
4 drops Geranium for Trust and forgiveness
4 drops Vetivier to bring all our parts home
Add a carrier oil for ease of application. Place on pulse points & heart center.
Visit this link for more information! https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/c3healing