This month, I had the privilege of attending the ACEP conference in Phoenix. This is my 9th year! The focus was on the Art and Science of Transformational Change. It was wonderful to meet those who have shaped my healing style, leaders in energy psychology, and those leading the research in energy medicine, making it more accessible to all.
What I loved the most was the significant influence of sound healing this year. I have never seen such a strong focus on frequency as it relates to sound and healing. Sound healing was provided each day by Charleene! For this month’s newsletter, I would like to share some of the highlights that I will be bringing to you in private and group healings.
Free Resources
Click on the box that best matches how you are feeling to try calming exercises
Soul Weaving
Integrating Fragmented Parts with Energy Psychology
Soul weaving is the term Mary Sise, LCSW, past president of ACEP, uses to describe her version of soul retrieval. I absolutely loved her analogy of asking, “What crayon am I missing?” This question helps us identify where we might be missing parts of ourselves without judgment, shame, or blame, and without needing to know how or what trauma caused the loss of a soul part.
My biggest takeaway to assist in reclaiming our parts, so we can move toward wholeness, is utilizing this particular statement: “For me and every part of me, especially the child part.” I very much look forward to using this statement when doing reclamation work with my clients.
Mary offers a free Tapping Tuesday, and everyone is invited to join at
She is the author ofThe Energy of Belief: Simple Proven Techniques to Release Limiting Beliefs & Transform Your Life

Tapping into Healthy Masculinity
“Tapping into Healthy Masculinity” was one of my absolute favorite lectures by Dr. David Gruder, PhD, and Dr. Larry Burke, MD.
I have had the privilege of hearing Dr. Gruder speak many times over the years. I am always in awe of his ability to communicate archetypes in such powerful and profound ways.
Although this breakout session focused on clearing shadow or toxic expressions of the masculine, it is very beneficial for us to balance our feminine and masculine energies. This balance helps us to be sovereign within ourselves and align with our divine purpose.

Both Dr. Burke and Dr. Gruder recommend the Mankind Project. This is an amazing resource for men who desire a passionate and purpose-driven brotherhood. It focuses on building and supporting emotionally mature, accountable, and compassionate male role models that our communities so desperately need.
Meeting Master Gu

Those of you who have worked with me know that embodying my spirit is a part of my personal path that I have been diligently working on for years. I had a profound experience with Master Gu at the ACEP 2024 conference on Sunday afternoon.
I had the wonderful privilege of meeting Master Gu and witnessing his brilliant demonstration of sound healing and Qigong. I was amazed to see the powerful embodiment of his spirit with my own eyes! See that visible glow around his body. His words on embodiment were incredibly powerful for me.
Here are some of my takeaways:
- “The soul is the seed, and the body is its expression.”
- “Find the soul through the body.”
- “Movement of the physical body moves the spirit body.”
- “Harmony between heaven and earth, mind and body; true heaven and earth reside within you.”
- “Health, happiness, love, peace, connection, and contribution are found by going within ourselves.”
- “Creativity flows when energy flows; abundant healing is already within you.”

New Friend

Each conference I attend, I meet new friends. I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Iwowarri James, who has brought energy psychology to Nigeria and is a founding director at the Integrated Energy Therapy Institute. I believe he is the first to introduce energy psychology to Nigeria.

Dr. Kristen Holthuis, MD, CEHP, from Costa Rica, was one of my mentors in my two-year Certified Energy Health Practitioner program with ACEP. It was absolutely wonderful to see her. She is passionate about Flower Essence, and some of her work includes using tapping and flower essence therapy with foster kids in Central America. For those of you who work with me, you will recognize Dr. Holthuis’s influence as you consciously participate in your own healing journey toward wholeness.

Dr. Judith Swack, PhD, was also at the conference. She is the creator of Human Body Level Up. I often refer clients to Dr. Swack for intensive clearing, as she has been highly influential in assisting the removal of interfering energies that prevent us from manifesting our desires. It was terrific to see Judith in person! She is quite the powerhouse.
Jenny Recommends

This year’s conference allowed me to connect with both Barbara and Sandy. I have been closely connected with Barbara for many years and co-authored “Rays of Creation: Pathways to Wholeness” with her. If you don’t have your book, you can send me an email and I’ll get one out to you right away.
You already know that we have an affiliate program in place. Go to and use C3healing10 to receive 10% off any order for your healing products. While I was there, I picked up a Ray 12 scarf, completing my healing tool collection once again. I had sold my Ray 12 scarf and have been without it for quite a while. It is time to bring back the energy of transfiguration and metamorphosis to help us during this period of change. Templates of Mastery card deck is an easy way to do your own epigenetic and ancestral healing work at home. Connect with me if you want more information.
I met Sandy for the first time, although Barbara and Sandy have been friends for many years. Sandy is an astrologer who works to provide specific frequencies held within matter to assist with manifestation. Check out Intention Beads. I purchased my very first manifestation affirmation bracelet from her, “Intention: To Embrace My Sensual Nature.” My affirmation is, “My innate magnetism draws all that is harmonious and fulfilling towards me.” I love the physical representation of this talisman with such a powerful intention statement. The bracelet acts as a focus for my intention to become manifest!