Does your home need a house keeper? Well, if you are a great housekeeper then you are in terrific shape. However, it is good to employ someone with a critical eye to clean off the dust out of those hard to reach places. If you neglect your “home” (the meat sack that You live in) then regular visits are a necessity. Your Energy Practitioner is your housekeeper.
Do you need an electrician? Only if you need everything that runs on electricity to work properly. Sometimes you might need to upgrade your electrical system. Keep your home up to code! If you are in great shape with your Chi, then all the electrical systems in your body will be in optimal shape. Your Energy Practitioner will be your electrician.
Do I need IT support? Is your PC working properly? No viruses? Software updated? Do you need an IOS update? Your IT provider can determine whether you have hardware, software or coding issues. Your Energy Practitioner is IT for the Soul.
Sometimes we don’t know which technician is needed. No worries! Your specific issues and goals will determine the healing modalities utilized for your customized session.
Energy Evaluation & Intention Setting
The first 20 minutes is dedicated to assessment, discussion and intention setting for the session. The physical, emotional, and mental levels of the body are assessed during this time. Often the Biofield and Chakra systems are also evaluated. A customized healing grid is created to maximize the use of the healing frequencies made available during the Energy Healing & Clearing. This also gently assists the integration of the healing into the physical body.
Energy Healing & Clearing Facilitation
The second 20 minutes is generally allotted for Energy Healing & Clearing. This is completely customized for each person and is unique every time a session is facilitated. This healing process uses a combination including energy psychology, AcuDetox treatment (in-person only), breathwork, crystology, guided imagery, healing affirmations and forgiveness statements, meditation, Reiki, sacred geometry, esoteric and shamanic healing principles. It is an intuitive process that allows for healing to occur at the highest level, directed by the highest consciousness of the client in that now moment. The client is often invited to relax in a reclining position during this time.
Education and Self Care Recommendations
The last 20 minutes or so is set aside to unpack the information gleaned during the healing session and to evaluate next steps toward health & wellness goals. If any education for self care is required, it is reviewed during this time.
Recommended treatment program and schedule will generally be specified at the end of the session.
Due to the nature of this work being as unique as the individuals receiving it, each session includes up to 90 minutes to complete all three steps. If additional time is needed, a fee of $50 is applied per each 15 minutes over the allotted 60 minutes.
A Credit Card is required to be kept on file to guarantee commitment to the time set aside for your health and wellbeing.
Free 30 Minute new client consultation
$100 Support Call up to 30 minutes with Jenny Davis
$125 Overnight Art of Raising Frequency Healing Grid with Jenny Davis
$125 Esoteric Healing Session – Absentee with Jenny Davis
$225 per session up to 68 minutes with Jenny Davis +$50 per 15 min
$2250 Intuitive Development & Mentorship
$295 Intuitive Development Monthly Mentorship Subscription
$44 Drop-in Class $33 Monthly Class Subscription
All major credit cards are excepted.
When scheduling online you will be automatically prompted to put in your credit card information in a secure payment system to hold your appointment.
After a few days of processing time, a session is fully integrated for a sustainable change in health and wellbeing.
Depending on the severity of the issue or the goals, it is common to work with Jenny Davis, Certified Energy Health Practitioner regularly for a period of months to years.
Sample treatment programs:
Tune up work~ This is for a client who’s life is working well but notices something is “off” or not going as intended. Treatment plan would be as requested.
Clarity of Purpose work ~ This is for a client who’s life is working very well and has specific personal or professional goals. Recommended treatment program would be 1 appointment every 6 to 8 weeks until goal is reached.
Trauma work ~ This is for a client who is experiencing emotional pain because of a deep loss or past traumatic event. Recommended treatment program would be bi-weekly or monthly appointments until emotional state is stable and self-care education is sufficient to sustain changes.
Physical Dis-ease work ~ This is for a client who is experiencing an acute or chronic dis-ease process. Depending on the the state of the vitality of the client the custom treatment program could vary from weekly appointments to every 6 to 8 weeks.
Anxiety/Depression/PTSD/Addiction ~This program would be very client specific. Coordination with their Psychologist overseeing care would also be considered. Each person’s makeup is unique as to cause of symptoms. Depending on severity weekly to monthly treatment programs would be recommended. Progress is expected after each session and sustainability of that progress would be the focus.
Like any healing modality, no success can be guaranteed.