The month of October has been a tough one for many of our friends in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida due to the storms and devastation. The political climate in our country also leaves many in a state of fear and unrest, exacerbating feelings of insecurity and disconnection.
My heart pours out to each of you with love and compassion as many are struggling to stay centered and anchored. My own fears during Hurricane Milton really challenged me to apply all I have learned to remain grounded.
Being grounded is often associated with Mother Earth. When storms rage in our outer world, they can reflect our inner world, leaving us feeling unbalanced or detached from our physical selves. Grounding to Mother Earth may feel unsettling in these moments. I invite you to work with this energy from a different perspective. The Divine Feminine/Mother is a deeply grounding and nurturing force that helps us feel supported, safe, and connected.
Mother energy isn’t something we chase or force; rather, it’s an energy we invite and allow. It’s always there, waiting to rise up and meet us when we’re ready to receive it. Imagine it as the She Herself the Divine Mother of the New Earth. We desire to live within a calm, supportive, compassionate, loving, and nurturing world—with a constant, steady presence beneath our feet, ready to support us as soon as we call on it. It’s not aggressive or demanding. Instead, it flows gently, much like the way a mother might silently stand by her child, offering love and care without expectation. Call upon this Divine Mother as our grounding agent like Grace rising up to hold you.

One of the more profound aspects of connecting with this energy is the healing it brings to areas where we may feel ungrounded or unsupported in life. Many of us carry wounds related to our relationship with nurturing, whether from personal experiences with our mothers or from broader societal messages about what care and support should look like. These “mother wounds” can create resistance to receiving love and care, not just from others but from the world around us. By working with the mother energy, we can begin to heal these wounds, allowing ourselves to feel more grounded and connected to the physical world.
Furthermore, this energy isn’t just about emotional warmth; it’s also about practical support. If you’ve ever felt creatively drained or physically depleted after a day of intense mental work, that’s where mother energy comes in. Mother energy is an essential counterpart to more intellectual energies It fills the gap left by the overuse of intellectual energy, providing the grounding necessary to fully embody our ideas and emotions. Without this balance, it’s easy to become untethered, lost in our thoughts while feeling physically and energetically scattered.
An essential part of working with mother energy is understanding that it’s not something we generate. It comes to us naturally when we are in a state of allowing. It’s the energy that rises up when we surrender to the present moment, letting go of the need to control or force outcomes. Think of it as a gentle, but firm invitation to settle into your body, to be fully present, and to trust that you are supported by something much larger than yourself.
For some, the concept of “mother” can trigger resistance. If you’ve had a challenging or traumatic relationship with your own mother or other maternal figures, this idea might initially feel uncomfortable or even provoke a sense of mistrust. The beauty of working with this energy, though, is that it’s about healing those very wounds. By inviting mother energy to rise up and meet you, you begin the process of releasing old patterns of resistance and allowing yourself to be supported in ways you may not have experienced before.
In essence, connecting with mother energy is about returning to a state of wholeness. It’s about allowing yourself to be nourished and grounded, not just emotionally, but physically and energetically. Whether you’re navigating a difficult personal challenge, recovering from burnout, or simply seeking deeper balance in your life, this energy can serve as a powerful reminder that you don’t have to go it alone. You are always supported—by the Earth, by the divine feminine, by the universal force that nurtures all life.